Tuesday, December 25, 2007

why would a baby boy want to hear a drummer?

so i will admit, this entire post is completely inspired by a blog posting on myspace by a member of cool hand luke. i was taken aback greatly by his post and the song he discusses in the post that i feel like i need to respond.
the song "a drummer" written by mark in cool hand luke is a takeoff of the traditional "little drummer boy," he says the following about the song in their blog after asking why would someone play drums for a baby?
Then it struck me how ridiculous it is to try to do anything for Jesus because he doesn't need anything and he gave me everything in the first place. It made me think of Christmas when I was young. My mom would give me money--probably $3-$5, and I would go buy HER a gift with the money SHE gave me. I would buy her the dumbest junk that she would never pick out herself, but she loved it because it was from me. It's pretty silly when you think about it. Yet as a child of God, that's exactly the position I'm in anytime I think I have something to offer God.

what a different perspective to put on things? i recently finished re-reading "til we have faces" by cs lewis which also makes me realize how we think we are more important that we really are. not to say that our lives aren't important but to say that we really aren't here to think about only ourselves. we grow up to think that everything is conditional and that what we achieve in turn affects how we are viewed and gives us 'value' when that is all wrong. there is NOTHING i can do to merit what i have already been given. so i can do what i do and pray that i do it with a good heart and to be more like Christ. but we also need to realize that something as small as playing a drum can be as appreciated as anything else...
so all i can say is, play on drummer boy :)


At 12/31/2007 12:41 AM, Blogger Rebekah said...

That's great... and so true.

It's like when people say, "why should I pray when God already knows what's on my heart and mind."

It's because God is our father, and just like how a parent would want to hear about their child's day from their mouth, even if they already heard the details from their spouse or someone else.


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