Sunday, October 08, 2006

can someone pinch me?

my life makes no sense, really it doesnt. there is no logic in it. for those of you that know me well you know i am much more analytical than not, everything is an equation, or so i thought :)
i know for a fact that 2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples, but i am slowly learning that life is so much more than any mathematical equation in the world (including those that take pages and pages of genius work to solve).
i look back over the past year and realize that it is nothing short of a miracle, yes a miracle. imagine taking one end of a spectrum and ending up in the complete opposite place a year later, that's me. no it hasn't been a year yet since i've moved (that is coming up in about 1.5 months) rather, a year ago i was full of uncertainty. i was about to quit a HORRIBLE job and jump out into the unknown. really, i look back and cannot believe my lapse of logical thinking to do something like that.
i am a political science major from southern california who moved out to nashville, tennessee to work in christian music; how does that work out?
but somehow, but the grace of God, it did work out... i won't go indepth or anything but i sit here in awe because the past year has shown me how intricate and detail oriented God really is. i really do feel like i am in a dream and am waiting to wake up, maybe it all will feel more real then?

anyways... as much as i want it to be, life cannot be mathematical or based on an equation.


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