Thursday, February 02, 2006

life - faith = fear

the youth minister who i worked with always would say "fear is the lack of faith." and i am beginning more and more to really think that.
i am fearful of stupid things like elevators and spiders but can i actually be fearful to actually let myself like something? i think for years i have taught myself that failure or disappointment was just a part of everything and to just expect that as opposed to really shooting for the stars. so where does this lead me? to disregard something that i like, that i really think is for me. and what do i do? i do what i can to find a flaw, i search and strive to find some sort of detail that detracts me from it.
so is fear really the lack of faith? i think so. when you fear, it's something that is unknown and it's isolating. which is an elevator to me. you're in a box in the middle of a building with no windows, horrible lighting and no actual knowledge of whether the computer operating this several ton hollow box will open when it is supposed to. it's kind of like when i fear anything. i trap myself in this box and really only faith can open the doors to something new, you know? if i have faith that the doors will open, if i have faith that Jesus will provide everything that i need, then why have fear?
i think satan tries to isolate us in these boxes because when we are alone, we become vulnerable and begin to believe anything to get us out of where we are at.
at first i didn't believe what he would say, but now i can see the truth in it...


At 2/03/2006 3:43 PM, Blogger Karina Bissinger said...

True but we can have faith and still be fearful. Then we have to TRUST .... yikes!

At 2/06/2006 10:47 AM, Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

I needed to read this today!

At 2/12/2006 2:02 AM, Blogger Theresa Gorley said...

You might want to remember FEAR is:
False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear is nothing more than our perspective on any given situation.

I used to be absolutely terrified of spiders. I still don't like them, but they no longer ruin my day if they happen to intrude on it. I can even kill them if necessary (little ones anyway!)
I learned to put them in perspective ... remembering I'm bigger than they are. Another technique I used was to envision them as being transparent rather than black.
The only way to overcome any fear is to face it!

At 2/12/2006 2:03 AM, Blogger Theresa Gorley said...

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