Thursday, December 08, 2005

long drive home...

today it rained all day, which is fine. i appreciate when the clouds feel the need to nourish the land below with little drops that add up to so much more than what they are during their initial fall.
as i drove home from another day at work anticipating my salad for dinner :) i couldn't help but look out to the horizon and truly appreciate the beauty of well... everything. it looked like a painting had come to life. there were bare trees whose leaves fell victim to the autumn season with a backdrop of several layers of grey clouds all a different shade of grey with some fog mixed in between along with the lighting of a setting sun beyond the clouds. it was surreal.
but also on my drive i had a conversation with God. i pray everyday and all but rarely do i have these types of "God is sitting in my passenger seat" type talks. today i felt that i needed it. there is always so much that clouds my mind that there come these points where, like raindrops, my thoughts need to leave my mind, one by one as each drop falls.
the past year has been an extreme roller coaster only to climax with my recent move to tennessee where i did something i had never done before. made a detailed plan. of course i planned things like where i would live and saved up some money, but truly i didn't plan. what if i don't get a job, you know? but things fell so perfectly into place in preparing for the move that i know this is where i am supposed to be. i feel like i write about this like every other entry... anyways, recently i feel as if some more puzzle pieces came into my life that were not planned for and i didn't know what to think of it, so i felt like talking to God.
also recently, i have been questioning a lot my approach to relationships. i have good friends but, i also lost some good friends because of my addition to being busy. over the years i always was the first one to volunteer or join a group or whatnot and i feel like unconsciously i did it on purpose just so i wouldn't have to deal with things... but consequentially i lost some of those friendships. i have been working on being better at balancing but did i begin to make the change too late? i know this probably doesn't make any sense because i am only touching the tip of my thought process, so i apologize.
needless to say, it was a good conversation and i should have more of them.


At 12/20/2005 9:30 AM, Blogger Karina Bissinger said...

i say learn from the past, let it go and move forward. I like the thoughts falling like raindrops comment. talking to God is an incredibly gift, i too should do it more often


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