Tuesday, January 03, 2006

thoughts on money...

the past week the concept of money has consumed my mind. isn't it funny how money can control someone and get them to lose focus on things that are actually important? but coming into a lot of money can be bad too, i read a story about a man who won the lottery then got divorced and their kids died of drug overdoses and he ended up being killed or something all because their "dreams came true."
and i am not thinking about money because i don't have a job, i will be fine for a couple months but more in long term. i want to go back to school, but am deterred from embarking on furthering my education because of the cost. pepperdine set me back a few dollars and i have a degree in international studies with an emphasis in political studies, so what would i even want to pursue beyond that? yes, an mba would be the 'best' thing i could do because it is so versitile but i hated being a business major for all of a semester. but i digress from my topic of discussion.

in the end (before i jump on a socialist platform...) it saddens me that economy runs everything. christmas is now a business run holiday and that's why i was pretty just anti- the holiday this past year. but everything we do revolves around currency, shouldn't it be centered around something else?


At 1/06/2006 8:55 AM, Blogger Karina Bissinger said...

Amen sister! We all think money will make us happy or get us to where we want to be or enable us to serve the world better. And I think that is all true to a point.

See my blog on community


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