Thursday, January 12, 2006

thoughts on "in the meantime"

this morning i finished reading "in the meantime: the practice of proactive waiting" by rob brendle. this book came to me at the perfect time because it discusses what to do while you are pursuing your "calling" but still don't know exactly what it is and what you're supposed to do right now. there are some things i need to work on to become closer to God and this book helped me realize that everyone is human and we all struggle with similar things in life. but the book helped knock me back into my strive to live a simplistic life...
for the past couple months i've been thinking about getting a new bible. the one that i have isn't bad, it's just older and i wanted a different version and a new study bible. so i've been looking and thankfully one of my roommates works for a book publishing company so i've been picking her brain on different types of bibles for the past few days. i began to put pressure on myself to find 'THE ONE' and found one that i liked yesterday. but then the question came, do i really want to spend $70 on a new bible? i am striving to live more simply and cut out the excess in my life. yes, a bible is an amazing investment and would go beyond the $70 i used to pay for it. so they are shipping it to the local barnes and noble. so i will check it out when it comes in on monday to make sure it is the one i am looking for. how does this have anything to do with the book i just completed? well, you see. in the second to last chapter he talks about how we need to surround ourselves with the Word of God, which of course is the bible... he suggested that we go and get a cheap bible made of normal paper (not the usual tissue-thin paper) buy a pen and highlighter and go crazy. live within the bible. so i put the book down and thought to myself, that is what i want to do! i really want to study the bible this time around, not just play bible lottery hoping that i will be sent to an amazing verse for the day, but REALLY read it. yes, i have studied it in school and read it before. but it's like reading "frankenstein" by mary shelley. i LOVE this book, it's amazing to me and everytime i read it i see it in a different light. so i feel like i will approach the bible this way. i am out of college and in a new stage in my life and feel that i will see it in a completely different light.
so i am going to put the idea of getting a super-nice, leather-bound, fancy colored bible on the backburner and go out and find a simple bible that i can scribble in and then i figure in a few months i will have a better idea of what type of bible i am truly in search for.

that is just one reaction to the book, there will be more when i get back from work :)


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